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High Volume Chest Workout | Justine Albert & Dean Perrone

High Volume Chest Workout | Justine Albert & Dean Perrone

Heather Jacques |

Right before making her pro debut in Texas, Axe & Sledge Athlete Justine Albert took Dean Perrone through a gnarly chest workout! 

Justine is one of our most recent sponsored athletes, but she's been putting in the work for years and her physique proves just that! We're incredibly proud to have her represent the brand and showcase her hard work on stage.

Check out the full workout below and give it a shot next time you hit the gym for a chest session.

Chest Workout:

1. Incline Dumbbell Press - 4 sets x 8-12 reps

2. Hammer Strength Plate Loaded Press Machine - 4 sets x 8-12 reps (last set: drop set)

3. Plate Loaded Fly Machine - 4 sets x 8-12 reps 4. Pec Deck Machine - 4 sets x 8-12 reps (last set: drop set)

5. Cable Flys - 5 sets x failure

Post-Show Update

Justine placed 7th out of 26 competitors at the NPC IFBB Texas Pro, which is quite the placing for her 1st ever professional show. Congrats Justine! Make sure to follow her on social media to keep up with what she has planned next.