Back Workout w/ Dean Perrone | Axe & Sledge

Back Workout w/ Dean Perrone | Axe & Sledge

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*Warm Up - Assisted Pull ups 2 sets x 10⁣ ⁣

1. Lat Pull Down (Wide) with MAG Grip - 3 Sets x 15, 12, 10⁣ ⁣

2. Angled Seated Row (Narrow Underhand) with MAG Grip - 3 Sets x 12, 12, 10⁣ ⁣

3. Chest Supported Best Over Row (Arsenal) - 3 Sets x 12, 12, 10⁣ ⁣

4. Reverse Grip Machine Lat Pull Down - 3 Sets x 12, 12, 10⁣ ⁣

5. Incline Chest Supported Row Machine - 4 Sets x 10, 10, 10, 10   (2 Overhand Grip Sets/2 Neutral Grip Sets)⁣ ⁣

6. Smith Machine Shrugs behind the Back - 3 Sets x 10, 10, 10⁣ ⁣

Workout Fueled by Axe & Sledge Supplements:
Pre-Workout - Ignition Switch / Hydraulic⁣
Intra Workout - The Grind