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Seth Feroce Reacts to Himself? Physique Update

Seth Feroce Reacts to Himself? Physique Update

Heather Jacques |

Since the beginning of the year, IFBB Pro Seth Feroce, has been putting the work to achieve the best conditioning he's had since competing in bodybuilding. He's been on a pretty strict diet, doing cardio nearly every day, and weight training 5-6 days per week.

In the video below, Seth goes over how his physique has changed over the past four weeks. Currently, he's at the sweet spot where his body is extremely responsive to everything he does. This is the point where you learn what your body reacts best to when it comes to different training and dieting approaches.

Seth covers a ton of information about bodybuilding in the video below, so make sure you watch the entire thing for different tips and tricks that you can implement with your physique!