Functional Shoulder Training

Functional Shoulder Training

Shane Healey |


Cardio - Walking/Running
Walk roughly 0.75 of a mile
Jog/Run 1.75 miles
I walk and jog/run in intervals! I will walk for 1-3 minutes and then I will jog/run for 3-5 mins. On and off until I get to 2.5 miles or more depending on the day of training ahead of me.

Shoulder Training:
1. Hang Cleans - 8 sets x 3-8 reps per set
Progressively move up in weight as the sets progress! I worked up to 275lbs this workout.

2. Dumbbell Side Raises - 5 set x 8-15 reps per set

3. Heavy Dumbbell Shrugs - 7 sets x 10-20 reps per set Progressively move up in weight as the sets increase!

4. Standing Barbell Presses - 5 sets x 6-15 reps per set
Progressively move up in weight as the sets increase!

This is a functional shoulder day for me. I do functional training like this 2-3 days a week. The other training days are still bodybuilder style workouts! On functional days, my goal is to challenge myself with new physical movements (ie: running, hang cleans, box jumps, burpees, wall push ups) - things that I haven't done in my previous years of training!