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Chest & Calves | Seth Feroce Whiteboard Workout

Chest & Calves | Seth Feroce Whiteboard Workout

Heather Jacques |

iFBB Pro bodybuilder and co-founder of Axe & Sledge Supplements has officially started his prep along with the 2023 HWMF Transformation Challenge. Seth's goal is to look like he's 3-4 weeks out from stepping on stage in the next 16 weeks. He may or may not compete, but either way, he's going to get insanely shredded guaranteed.

Better yet, Seth is going to be documenting the entire process of his transformation on his YouTube channel and Instagram (@sethferoce). If you want to see how Seth approaches a cutting phase, then make sure to tune in each week to both platforms.

Chest & Calves Workout | Seth Feroce

When it comes to training, it's important to have a plan before going into the gym so that you're mentally prepared and get the most out of the workout. That's why Seth likes to write his workouts on a whiteboard. By doing this, he knows exactly what exercises and how many sets and reps, he wants to perform.

Here's an example of Seth's Chest & Calves workout:

  1. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 4 sets x 12, 10,10,8/16 reps (Seth Set*)
  2. Flat Bench Dumbbell Flys: 4 sets x 12,10,10,8 reps
  3. Dumbbell Pullovers: 3 sets x 12,12,10 reps
  4. Machine Chest Press: 3 sets x 12,10,8 reps (on the last set, perform two dropsets to failure)
  5. Cable Crossovers: 2 sets x 12 reps
  6. Linear Hack Squat Calf Raises: 4 sets x 15 reps (pick a weight that makes you fail at 15 reps)
  7. Standing Smith Machine Calf Raises: 4 sets x 12-15 reps (pick a weight that makes you fail at 15 reps

*Seth Set - drop the weight by 50% and perform double the amount of reps


To get the most out of this workout, we recommend the following supplements:

  • Pre-Workout: 1.5 scoops of Hydraulic + 3 capsules of Pumpies
    • Mix Hydraulic with 10-12 ounces of water and consume both products 20-30 minutes prior to training.
  • Intra-Workout: 1 scoop of The Grind + 1/2-1 scoop of Demo Day
    • Mix with 12-14 ounces of water and sip on during training.
  • Post-Workout: 1-2 scoops of Farm Fed and 5 grams of Creatine
    • Mix with 10-12 ounces of water, milk or milk substitute, consume within 30-45 minutes before training.